
Building digital experiences


The first stage of building a new website is the design phase. This is where we determine the visual aesthetic of the site. Colors, logo, typography, page layout, navigation, etc.

Some clients already have their site design completed when they hire a developer. If not, I collaborate with the client to come up with a cohesive design for the site. Design is a discipline all its own, and I work with professional designers to ensure a professional result.


The design is brought to life using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Other functionality such as a CMS (content management system) or e-commerce are integrated as well.

During development I provide regular updates and a temporary URL to preview the site as it's built.

Social Media Integration

I make full use of Facebook and Twitter standards for social media sharing. The client has full control over how a post looks when a link from their site is shared on social media platforms.


Hosting of the final site can either be handled by me on a paid monthly basis, or the client can create their own hosting accounts and look after it themselves. It's up to the client. In the latter case, I can provide training on how to setup the required services.


After a site is complete and delivered, updates and maintenance are normally required. Since I use open source tools, any competent web developer will be able to handle it. The client can of course choose me to look after it on a monthly or hourly basis but it's not required. There's no lock-in when I build a project.